4 Jan 2019

The goal of many manufacturers all over the world is to sell the products they produce in the best quality and most profitable way. But this is not always possible. Examples of such situations are the bad quality, undelivered to the customer on time, unacceptable prices of the product in the market.
The rules for the sale of a product are as follows.


1.       Feasibility of product in the market 

Before placing a product on the market, it is necessary to know under which conditions the product is sold. It is therefore necessary for the manufacturer to have a sales system related to the product to be sold. 

2.      Get enough information about the product.

When selling the products of the manufacturer, it is necessary to have sufficient knowledge about the product. The salesperson will not be able to sell a product he / she does not know and will not have sufficient market place in the relevant product.

   Explaining the difference of the product from competing products.

The potential customer who will buy a product will want to know the advantages of the product and the difference of the product before the product is bought. If a similar product is purchased from a different manufacturer, in order to change its current supplier, the advantages and positive differences of the product should be explained in order to get a new product to buy a new product.

4.   Timely delivery of the product and the customer's request.

Let's say you have a new product and made your first sales to your customers. The customer will want to buy the product on time and on request. Therefore, the customer not only to sell the product for a single time, but also to sell in the long term is a must for both the customer and the supplier.

5.        After-sales service and customer satisfaction.

Regarding the products sold by the manufacturer, the wishes, requests and complaints from the customers must be carefully noted by the manufacturer and the customer should be given a perfect service.

Our website (Yousector) can help you to find potential customers for the export of your products. You may sign-up to website and use our trade help center module to tell us which customer you need to sell in which country, we will be happy to help you.

Yousector Team